Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Plastic waste and recycling in the EU: facts and figures | Topics | European Parliament

Plastic waste treatment in Europe In Europe, the most used way to dispose of plastic waste is energy recovery, which means turning plastic waste into...

2024-2029 European Parliament: how many MEPs per country? | Topics | European Parliament

How is the number of MEPs per country decided? EU law allows for a maximum of 750 MEPs, plus the President. The number of seats...

What happens after the European elections? | Topics | European Parliament

What happens in the weeks after the elections During the weeks after the elections, the newly-elected MEPs form political groups according to shared political beliefs. Each...

Post-Covid fiscal rules: MEPs want EU countries to have more control | Topics | European Parliament

The update is needed as the fiscal rules governed by the EU Stability and Growth Pact have come back in full force as of...

Voting in the European elections: how and why | Topics | European Parliament

The European Parliament is the only EU institution that is elected directly by citizens. On 6-9 June 2024, EU citizens have the chance to...

EU Health Data Space: access to your health data across the EU | Topics | European Parliament

Security and privacy issues While researchers and public institutions will be able to use some health data, the rules include strong data protection safeguards. No...

Social Europe: what Parliament is doing on social policy | Topics | European Parliament

Competence in social policies: EU vs national governments The EU has only limited competence when it comes to social issues as most of it is...

Gig economy: how the EU improves platform workers’ rights | Topics | European Parliament

These non-standard jobs have become more prevalent due to changes in the world of work, such as increasing digitalisation and the creation of new...

Countering irregular migration: better EU border management | Topics | European Parliament

European Border and Coast Guard Agency In December 2015, the Commission put forward a proposal on establishing a European Border and Coast Guard with the...

The EU response to migration and asylum | Topics | European Parliament

Internal border controls as a last resort EU countries have been reinstating border controls within the Schengen area over the last few years, and these...

Labour migration: improving legal avenues to work in the EU | Topics | European Parliament

EU long-term resident status EU long-term resident status allows non-EU citizens who have been in the EU legally for five continuous years to stay and...

The impact of textile production and waste on the environment (infographics) | Topics | European Parliament

In June 2023, MEPs set out proposals for tougher EU measures to halt the excessive production and consumption of textiles. Parliament’s report calls for...

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